AGROVIT can be applied to all perennials during planting or during any plant developmental stage. In principle, when treating perennials with AGROVIT, it is necessary to perform a soil analysis, which is used to determine how much AGROVIT is needed and what approach should be taken to the application of other necessary components (organic fertilizer, soil pH correctors, etc.).

  • PLANTING - 40% of the confirmed amount of ripe manure/compost/manure briquettes is placed at the bottom of the planting hole, and 40% of the confirmed dose of AGROVIT is spread on top of this. A layer of aerated soil is then placed on top of this, and the seedling is then placed and the remaining space filled in with loose soil. The remaining organic components (60%) and the remaining 60% of the confirmed dose of AGROVIT is applied to the covered root system. The planting hole is then closed and the ground around the seedling is watered/sprayed with 2L/seedling of diluted HSF liquid humus solution cca ten days after planting. HSF liquid humus should be diluted with 1L of liquid HSF to 100L of water. Detailed instructions and treatment methods during planting are provided in the recommendations with the soil analysis findings.
  • DEVELOPED PERENNIALS - When enriching the soil around mature fruit trees, 70% of the amount of AGROVIT confirmed in the analysis is applied after the end of the active growing season in a 7-10cm thick ring around the tree with a radius five times the thickness of the trunk. The remaining dose of AGROVIT is applied in the same way directly before the active growing season. The average dose of AGROVIT is 180-220g/seedling, while the amount for mature fruit trees is from 220-420g/plant. Detailed instructions and treatment methods are provided in the recommendations with the soil analysis findings.